I'm Still Here

Just some random thoughts and links to prove that I am still here.

I picked up my first copy of TrialRunner magazine last week. I enjoyed reading every article, especially this month's cover story "Courages Comebacks" I had no idea someone could could run in a halo!

Here is an good reference site for locals. http://www.utahrunnertriathlete.com/ . Here you will find listings of a ton of events including some pretty small ones.

Here is the text of the event that lead me here:

September 17 2005
The Bountiful Fall Triathlon/Biathlon. 7 a.m. This is a non-competitive fun triathlon designed for novice and intermediate triathletes and as a training event for experienced triathletes. Times will be given as each athletes passes the finish line. Each triathlete is asked to provide a non-mandatory volunteer to count laps, help at aid stations, and process results. An Intermountain Triathlon Series event. Prizes from The House of Bread, and DeBoer's Running Store. 150 W. 600 N. Take 400 North exit off I-15 East and look for the Bountiful Recreation Center on your left. 400 Meter swim (200 for novices)/9.6 mile bike ride/2.4 mile run. $30 non-refundable pre-reg. postmarked one week before the race, $35 thereafter, includes t-shirt, fruit, and random prizes. Teams and family team divisions: $25 per person pre-registration, $30 one week before race day. Send entries to PO Box 58344, SLC, 84158. You can also register through Thursday noon race week on-line at www.utahrunnertriathlete.com 467-4203.


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