A Trail Runner's Blog: Dean Karnazes Talks About His 350 Mile Run (Interview)

I thought I would link to this blog entry by Scott Dunlap just because of the freak factor.

A Trail Runner's Blog: Dean Karnazes Talks About His 350 Mile Run (Interview)

Don't get me wrong. I have a lot of respect for Dean and his accomplishments. I even bought his book and really enjoyed reading it. But good gravy, running for 3 days straight starts to mess with you mind. Doesn't it?

My favorite quote:
" But that third night without sleep got fairly psychotic. I started swerving and veering across the road, which got pretty scary. The last ten miles were as close to an out-of-body experience as anything I’ve ever experienced before. My mind seemed disassociated from my body, and I just floated along. There was no sensation of pain, no feeling at all really, just floating. Weird. It was late and it was a beautiful cloudless night, the moon was full, stars were shooting; the whole thing was all very surreal."


  1. WOW! That guy is an animal! I don't even like to walk to church! Good find B.


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