Looking for a Local Hike?
The Localhikes.com site is an oldy but a goody. Even though it doesn't look like it has been updated in quite a while, Localhikes.com provides information on local hiking opportunities near both large and small metropolitan areas in the United States.
A few of the 34 hikes near Salt Lake and Ogden were trails I didn't know about that turned out to be really great. The Sunset Trail was one of them. Here is the link for the hikes in Provo Orem area.
The hikes aren't just for Utah. You might find the perfect trail by selecting your metro area or by using the search feature to find the trails closest to your home, office or where ever you may be.
The hikes on this site were contributed by volunteer LocalHikes reporters from around the country.
Try it for yourself.
A few of the 34 hikes near Salt Lake and Ogden were trails I didn't know about that turned out to be really great. The Sunset Trail was one of them. Here is the link for the hikes in Provo Orem area.
The hikes aren't just for Utah. You might find the perfect trail by selecting your metro area or by using the search feature to find the trails closest to your home, office or where ever you may be.
The hikes on this site were contributed by volunteer LocalHikes reporters from around the country.
Try it for yourself.
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