Talk over drinks

I didn't forget to draw yesterday.  It's just that I didn't finish until after midnight.

I went on a Daddy Daughter campout and while my daughter made bracelets with her friends under the dim lights of the bowery, the Dads watched and and talked.

This sketch was done while talking  into the night after drinking lemon favored water from a plastic bottle.  I think the brand is Zero Water.

I used Artrage as I nearly always do on my Note3 phone. For this I used the pencil tool to sketch, the blending markers for the general form and cap, and the eraser and  watercolor brush for the highlights.  I thought the watercolor brush did a pretty good job at showing transparency.

This morning I cleaned up slightly repositioned the bottle  off center and used the airbrush tool to add the yellow and prple tints for a bit more interesting color. 


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