
Showing posts from 2007

Great Outdoor Store

More iPhone stuff

Hiking with Sleeping Pills?

Motorsports are fun too.

Harry Potter or the iPhone?

Doing Stuff Outdoors

Weber Pathways: Maps of trails and pathways:

Hiking Thurston Peak, Utah

The Ultimate Wheel

Exercise and the First Law of Motion

What did you do this summer?

Has it really been 8 days?

Happy Monday

Is that really food?


Hiking Ingham Peak, UT


I want a cool domain name

15 minute spin

My Hamster Cage

Waiting for the iPod Tablet

Today's work out

What would you get?

The Subway Fresh Fit Competition -

Hiking : Davis County, Utah

BMX Bike for Skate Park

Hardware and Software Star Trading Cards

It's time for our first camp devotional!

GeoSports: MountainClimb - Mountain Summit Benchmarks: Geological Survey Markers

MountainClimb - Mountain Summit Benchmarks: Geological Survey Markers

First idea to come to camp

Ogden Marthon 5k - Can I make it?

Ogden Marathon - Five K - Can I make it?

Canyon Sports Rental Equipment - Hey I know that guy

Get a season pass to the Utah State Parks

A Trail Runner's Blog: Making Your Own Toenail Necklace

4-Door Wrangler - I'll call it the official vehicle of GeoSports

Trip: The Great Salt Lake Shorelands


60 Second Outdoors

Antelope Island: Frary Peak Trail Hike

Utah Triathlon Calendar,

What camera should I buy?

Adventure Author - Mike Graf

Home Improvement Excuses

Workout Log

Kayaking the Great Salt Lake

2007 Intentions