
Showing posts from 2005

Mr Element, will you be my friend?

Ironman Explorer

Triathlon Training in Four Hours a Week

Thou Shalt Not Covet

Turkeys Sleep In

Turkey Trot Anyone?

A Trail Runner's Blog: Dean Karnazes Talks About His 350 Mile Run (Interview)

Triathlon goes "soft" - (

Running Retreat

Trifecta Perfecta

I'm Still Here

Net Zero Time

Inside with Harry Potter

Physical Comfort - Get Your Own

Swim Bike Run

Xterra Ogden Off-Road Triathlon

My Secret Trail Running

The GTD Triathlete

Staged Mountain Running with a Camera

The Perfect Amateurs? Roger Bannister, John Landy, Wes Santee

Willpower is Not Enough

Swimming to Antarctica is a beautiful book

Salt Lake City 5k - Race Report

2005 Race and Event Schedule

Think and Grow Fit

Cycling the Great Salt Lake

Ogio Bags for Endurance Sports

My Favorite Endurance Magazines are Blogs

Multi Sport Talk Radio!

Sick Again - Will It Ever End? A Flu Season Report

My Training Log at Beginner Triathlete

My Next Race - Salt Lake City Marathon & 5k

Interview: The Armchair Triathlete

What is Your Swim, Bike, Run Story?

Xterra -Ogden Offroad Triathlon

Superman Strut

Road Bike vs Tri Bike vs MY bike

Ultramarathon Man Dean Karnazes

What motivates me

Take the Bicycling Live online bicycling survey